Running a successful law firm of any size requires supreme organization. Nothing should ever be left to chance or memory. Because the more a firm grows, the more there is at stake. You have daily schedules, tasks, and assignments of a growing staff to keep up with while you stay on top of client matters like court deadlines.

At backdocket, we understand that missing legal deadlines and important milestones related to your client base can have serious consequences. And to alleviate any concern our clients have around these deadlines, we integrated a calendar management feature into our practice management software. We’d be happy to schedule a free demonstration of this feature and our other practice management tools anytime.

But in the meantime, we want to share a few tips here for improving your firm’s calendar management.

3 Strategies to Improve Your Firm’s Calendar Management

See How Backdocket Can Help You Conquer Your Calendar

These are just a few areas where your firm can elevate your calendar management and ultimately your firm’s profitability. And we’re glad to share that backdocket’s practice management software can help you with all we mention here and more.

From keeping track of upcoming events, to tracking more billable hours, to keeping a watch on your entire firm’s schedule, backdocket has you covered. If you want to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your calendaring system, contact us today to schedule your free demonstration.

The difference between a firm that’s thriving and happy with its trajectory and one that struggles and languishes comes down to mindset. Firms that adopt a growth mindset establish a culture and business that tries new things and prioritizes the client experience. On the other hand, firms with a fixed or limiting mindset will remain static.

You’ve heard the saying, “If you think you can’t, you’re right.” Well, whether you think you can’t change or change just simply seems daunting at this stage in your firm’s existence, we want to share how your firm can shift your mindset by providing a few actionable ways to help you lean into growth.

Ways To Prioritize Growth at Your Firm

At backdocket, we understand that for an entire team to have a growth mindset, firm leaders must understand what growth means to them. Growth can mean different things depending on the size of your firm and what your focused practice areas are. But regardless of what growth means, every firm should know the following:

Let Backdocket Support Your Mindset

These are just a few areas where your mindset can make or break your firm’s progress. Fostering an environment that supports a shared vision for growth will not only inspire your current team to embrace change, it will attract like-minded attorneys as your firm expands.

And like we mention above, one of the ways that a law firm can adopt a growth mindset is by facilitating growth with the right technology and practice management software. That’s where backdocket comes in. Our software improves law firms’ efficiencies, communications, client relations, accounting, and everything you need to promote and sustain your firm’s growth. At backdocket, it’s our job to help make law firms successful. From intake and beyond, we have you covered.

If you want to grow your firm with as much ease as possible, look no further. Contact us today to schedule your free demonstration.

Every firm can agree that cost per case, just like everything else these days, is going way up. And the best way to keep your firm profitable is to maximize your average fee.

At backdocket, we understand the challenges associated with running a law firm. And we’ve designed our practice management software to help firms establish efficient systems that result in increased profitability.

So many factors determine success at a law firm, and we want to share just a few tips that may help your firm increase your average fee.

4 Tips for Increasing Your Firm’s Average Fee

Let Backdocket Make It Easier to Increase Your Firm’s Fees

At backdocket, our practice management software is a cost-effective way to dramatically improve your firm’s efficiency and profitability. When implemented properly, this type of software can streamline everything we mention above with minimal training.

It’s our passion to help law firms grow, and our customizable dashboard helps you do that. By streamlining communication, data storage, billing processes, and more, we provide features that maximize efficiencies and drive law firm revenue.

We’d love the chance to show you how backdocket can make your firm more efficient, communicative, organized, and ultimately, profitable. Contact us today to schedule a free demonstration.