How Practice Management Software Helps Your Firm Attract Talent

In the quest to attract legal talent, leadership, culture, practice support, and compensation are essential factors for new lawyers. They also want to work at law firms where they and their clients feel valued, involved, and supported.

The rise of practice management software can influence how legal talent perceive law firms. Learn how practice management software helps your firm attract talent to build a sustainable competitive advantage.

Implement Better Communication and Collaboration

The global workforce will be 75% digital natives by 2030. In fact, tech-native generations cite technology as an important factor in their decision to take a job. 

Automation will replace many operational and administrative tasks that lawyers and staff members currently do. At the same time, the legal work still requires deep knowledge of the industry and rational decision-making.

Law firms can become more collaborative and data-driven by investing in practice management software. This software shows the incoming legal talent that a law firm is dedicated to continuous learning and rewards personal growth.

Transparency about Work Expectations

Using dashboards and KPIs (key performance indicators) in legal practice management software allows attorneys to quickly see how their staff members are performing across multiple cases so they can provide guidance when needed. They can also help reward legal team members who produce positive outcomes rather than just those who are busiest.

A law firm can use legal practice management software to measure such KPIs as average client satisfaction and overall quality of service. This helps track how well clients are being served and identifies areas where lawyers and staff members can improve customer service.

Streamline Work Processes

Lawyers can expand into new legal matters and practice areas with the help of practice management software. It enables law firms to set up automated workflows that ensure timely responses and high-quality communication with clients.

For instance, an attorney may assign a paralegal the trigger task of sending a document for signature to a client by a specific due date. A legal staff member can create a new intake with contact information with one click instead of manually entering data when a potential new client calls.

Legal staff members can better understand the steps in the process when they have a clear roadmap for the entire workflow. It helps ease the learning curve and ensures higher quality work by removing some of the stress associated with it.

Customization for Team Preferences

Law firms can customize practice management software to meet the needs of their lawyers and staff members. This software allows deep customization to meet the ever-changing needs of their clients, even after implementation.

As part of the intake process, you can set up fields to capture data on specific leads. The intake forms can be customized to show relevant data to clients when they meet with lawyers. Lawyers can even generate reports on whether they met their metrics with the software.

When lawyers and staff members see that a law firm cares about their needs through customizable software, they’re more likely to commit to working with your firm in the long run.

Allows for Work from Home

Many legal professionals prefer hybrid remote work when they travel between client meetings, court appearances, and the office. Balancing work and family responsibilities is also a factor in working from home. Pandemic-related concerns may also encourage lawyers to work from home to safeguard their health.

Your law firm can use cloud-based practice management software to enable remote working. Access to case information, clear visibility of workflows and deadlines, collaboration on document drafts, and assignment of work can all be accomplished with the tool.

Backdocket’s cloud services let law firms share information in almost real-time. Staff members and attorneys can manage a client’s lifecycle, create tasks, and track files from anywhere using the system. Backdocket’s software improves communication between law firms and their clients while helping legal teams improve their technology skills.

Improve Your Law Firm’s Reputation with backdocket

Implementing practice management software like backdocket can help firms grow their reputations and business. Our practice management software can help you create a firm culture that attracts the most talented professionals and enhances customer satisfaction and growth.

Learn more about improving your law firm’s operations with practice management software by setting up a free demo with backdocket today.

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