Want to Increase Your Law Firm’s Average Fee?

Every firm can agree that cost per case, just like everything else these days, is going way up. And the best way to keep your firm profitable is to maximize your average fee.

At backdocket, we understand the challenges associated with running a law firm. And we’ve designed our practice management software to help firms establish efficient systems that result in increased profitability.

So many factors determine success at a law firm, and we want to share just a few tips that may help your firm increase your average fee.

4 Tips for Increasing Your Firm’s Average Fee

  • Perfect Intake – Perfecting your intake process is key to learning valuable information about your client. For example, knowing whether the person calling suffered a TBI can help your team categorize the case and immediately know which attorney has the right resources to effectively help the client. Identifying “big cases” and possibly cases to refer out as early as possible is beneficial to your clients and to your firm’s profits.
  • Improve Overall Client Communication – Communication is the most important part of your firm’s services. From intake and then through the entire life cycle of a case, the more attention you give to client communications, the more likely they’ll trust you. As a result of that trust, they are more likely to call your firm again and send their friends and family your way. Even your prospects need attention, and your team should always know whether they’re considering your firm, disengaged entirely, or somewhere in between. Centralizing your contact information makes this level of communication possible. Just like what we mentioned about intake, knowing where to place your resources helps your team and your clients. Streamlined communication makes that happen.
  • Make Billing and Accounting More Efficient – Don’t lose billable time by relying on your memory when your busy week comes to an end. Leaving this part of your business to chance can prove disastrous to your bottom line. That’s why you should track and capture time using backdocket’s practice management software. Saving time on billable tasks, being more organized, not leaving money on the table, and improving your clients’ experience by improving accuracy are all ways to increase your firm’s profitability.
  • Make It Easy for Your Team to Work from Anywhere – Working from home became extremely popular when we first started dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for social distancing made working remotely necessary. It also became necessary to meet virtually with clients. And with this new normal came an increased reliance on cloud-based technology to make it possible to access and share data wherever you were.  For law firms, this is critical. Keeping track of documents and KPIs, accessing and sharing data in real time, and being able to pick up where you left you off with a client are gamechangers. If you’re not in the cloud, you’re missing opportunities to improve productivity and increase fees.

Let Backdocket Make It Easier to Increase Your Firm’s Fees

At backdocket, our practice management software is a cost-effective way to dramatically improve your firm’s efficiency and profitability. When implemented properly, this type of software can streamline everything we mention above with minimal training.

It’s our passion to help law firms grow, and our customizable dashboard helps you do that. By streamlining communication, data storage, billing processes, and more, we provide features that maximize efficiencies and drive law firm revenue.

We’d love the chance to show you how backdocket can make your firm more efficient, communicative, organized, and ultimately, profitable. Contact us today to schedule a free demonstration.

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