How Your Law Firm Can Improve Its Lead Management Process to Get More Cases

There’s a lot of talk these days in the legal industry about practice management, and all the buzz is for good reason. A firm’s system for managing clients, reports, documents, finances, and operational matters is foundational to growing your firm.

But there’s more to establishing a solid foundation than managing the cases you sign. There’s a history behind each case. Each was once a lead, and from the moment you acquire any lead, it’s essential that its path to conversion is tracked and nurtured. Leads are like gold, and your process should be the Fort Knox of leads where you store all of the valuable information you need to convert leads into cases.

Got Leads? Now What Are You Going to Do About It?

Think of lead management like this: your marketing efforts plant a seed that grows into a lead. Paying for marketing without a plan for how to manage it and grow it into a case is like throwing your money away. To see the fruits of your marketing labors, you MUST invest in a system for managing and converting your leads.

Don’t Let Prospects Fall Through the Cracks.

At backdocket, our practice management software takes the entire lifecycle of a case into consideration. That means managing the pre-retention phase, before a prospect hires your firm, and that lead grows into a budding new case. This part is critical to your success and can generate more new cases than you can fathom.

Here’s what your firm should consider when refining your lead management process:


Getting your intake process right positions you for success. When you get all the pertinent information you need from a client, you’ll save time while showing your client that you’re listening to every detail they give you. Backdocket can prompt you to ask the right questions and keep that information in a centralized, easily accessible document for all team members to see.

Stay Connected to Prospects:

With a growing law firm, it quickly becomes difficult to manage the heavy workload. Prospects can easily get lost in the shuffle and slip right through the cracks, never making their way through the intake process.

Make sure you are getting the cases you want by staying connected to your prospects and always on top of their statuses. This is also something backdocket can provide while you focus on other important matters.

Find Out How Backdocket Can Help with Your Lead Management

At backdocket, we love helping firms grow, and our practice management software can help you organize a lead’s status, whether they’re a prospect, conversion, or a current client. Improving your firm’s efficiency and communication is what we’re passionate about, and we want to help you.

If you’d like to learn more about how backdocket can help you get more cases, contact us for a free demonstration.

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