Do You Know Where Your Law Firm’s Leads Are Coming From?

For growing law firms, new leads are the most precious currency. To bring in more cases, law firms invest in marketing, encourage word-of-mouth referrals, and, of course, do great work for clients once they sign them.

Few firms reach sustained growth without knowing how they’re actually getting leads, and this is why attribution is essential. When you know how to attribute the source of your leads—for example, did they come from specific marketing channels or other attorneys—you can make smarter choices and double down on what works.

Why Knowing the Sources of Your Leads Is Crucial

You can identify what’s currently working for your law firm.

When you know where leads are coming from, you can determine whether a marketing campaign is bringing in clients or if word-of-mouth is the biggest driver of new clients to your firm. This empowers you to make smarter choices when planning future client outreach campaigns.

You can determine what’s not working.

Conversely, if you know that certain outreach efforts like paid online advertising or print ads aren’t bringing in leads, you can invest that budget in more lucrative channels. This ensures you’re getting more mileage out of the time and effort you spend bringing in new business.

How to Start Taking Attribution Seriously

Every intake call or onboarding session should include an attribution question.

One of the easiest ways to find out how your clients heard about you is to ask them. This should be a common practice in your firm. It’s simple and free, and it can immediately lead to actionable insights.

Leverage the power of call tracking.

If you just have one number that people can use to call your firm, and you don’t have any type of call tracking in place, you could be missing valuable data about how people find your firm. By using call tracking platforms, you can easily determine which marketing campaign prompted them to call you.

For example, if you have an advertisement in a local publication, you can generate a unique phone number that then forwards calls to your firm. You will then be able to attribute any calls using that specific number to that advertisement.

Take advantage of sophisticated web tools.

You likely already have tools for tracking website activities. For example, if you have a website, you either have a tool like Google Analytics installed or you can easily install it for free. With this and similar tools, you can track the channels people use to contact your firm.

If you also decide to track website activity for even more insights, you can look to additional cost-effective tools. You can see how users behave on your site with screen recordings, where users spend most of their time with heatmaps of webpages, or determine whether stronger calls-to-action bring in more leads with A/B testing.

Let backdocket Help Grow Your Firm

At backdocket, we’re passionate about helping firms grow, and our practice management software can help you better organize a lead’s status, whether they’re a prospect, conversion, or a current client.

With backdocket, you can also improve your firm’s efficiency and communication. If you’d like to learn more about our practice management software, contact us for a free demonstration.

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