Should Your Law Firm Have a Blog on Your Website?

As you’ve probably noticed, many law firms publish blogs on their websites. If you’ve wondered why, then you’ve come to the right place.

When done properly, blogging can offer many benefits to law firms, including building your brand and educating people facing legal issues.

First, a quick note that in this blog, we’ll be talking a lot about your “audience.” When we talk about audiences, we are referring to the people you want to communicate with, which can include your physical community (the region you serve), your professional community, or simply visitors to your website.

Have a Blog If You Want to Reap These Three Benefits

Not every law firm has the desire or resources to blog, and that’s okay. If you have a solid website and social platforms, then you can have a strong web presence without having a legal blog.

However, for law firms that want to go the extra mile for their audiences, blogs offer many benefits. Here are just three examples of the rewards you could reap by having a legal blog.

Benefit 1: Educate and Entertain Your Audience

Through your blog, you can answer questions you commonly hear from your clients to educate people who visit your site. You can also share important or entertaining messages about your law firm, team members, or services.

Benefit 2: Build Trust with Potential Clients

Offering your expertise through a blog is a great way to demonstrate your value and authority in legal matters related to your practice. If a potential client is seeking an answer to a general question about their legal issue and you provide the answer in your blog, they’ll be more likely to trust your firm when it comes time to hire an attorney.

Benefit 3: Become a Thought Leader in Your Community

You can also use your blog to share your thoughts and opinions about legal issues. Your blog can be your voice to both potential clients and your colleagues in the legal field. This can help you generate business through new clients and referrals.

Do Blogs Offer Any Advantages for SEO?

Blogs can help drive traffic from search engines to your website, thus making them a viable tool for search engine optimization (SEO). Typically, blogs that are popular on search engines are those that answer questions people commonly ask online.

If you’re hoping to boost your SEO through blogs, we suggest you first make sure your website is well optimized for search engines. You can learn all about the best practices by reading our free guide for law firm SEO to get started.

What You Need to Know When Starting a Law Blog

  • Be consistent: Set a blogging schedule so your audience knows when to expect a new blog.
  • Be as frequent as is reasonable for you: Some firms blog nearly every day, while some might have a monthly entry. Both are acceptable approaches if you remain consistent in your frequency.
  • Be patient: Blogs don’t usually take off as soon as you start writing them. Know that it can take months to start seeing traffic to your site from search engines.
  • Promote your blogs: You can use other platforms to help build your blog’s audiences. For example, share your blog through your social media platforms or through your firm’s email marketing campaigns.

Are You Ready to Grow Your Law Firm?

As you can see, we have a blog here at backdocket. We blog because we work closely with many law firms, and we wanted the opportunity to share important insights with legal professionals.

We blog because it contributes to our overall mission: Helping law firms grow.

Of course, the primary way we achieve this goal is through our practice management software, which is designed to help small- to mid-size law firms become more efficient, effective, and—ultimately—more profitable.

If you’d like to learn how backdocket can give your law firm an edge, contact our team to schedule a free demonstration of our practice management software.

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